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・At airports, they find people with a fever. 

・At air ports, they try to find people with a fever.

熱のある人は、簡単に people with a fever.  このwith は、持っているという意味です。持っているということは、haveで言うと

people have a fever. (fevers) 

・At airports, they find people with a fever. They have to see a doctor. If they have the virus, they stay in the hospital. 

(熱がある人を見つけたら、医者の診察(see a doctor)後、感染者は入院します)



水際ということは、感染者を入れさせない、のでlet (させる)を使い

・At the airport, they won't let people with the virus come into Japan.   

感染者=そのウィルスを持っている、ということで、上記の熱と同様の考えで with the virus とします。

水際ということは、我々をウィルスから守るということなので、protect を使い

・Airport staff protect us from the virus. 

・Airport staff are trying to protect us from the virus. 

食い止めるということで、stop を使うと

・When someone has a fever, and comes to Japan, airport staff will stop them. 

・Airport staff stop people when they have a fever. That way, they protect Japan from the virus. 

keep を使うと

・We need to keep the virus from coming into Japan before it makes a lot of people sick.  

(keep ~ from ~=~しないようにする ⇒ウィルスが日本に入って来ないようにする。多くの人を病気にする⇒蔓延するということ)

・We need to keep the virus out of Japan. 

(日本からウィルスをkeep out ⇒出しておく、寄せ付けない)

・We need to keep people in Japan from getting the virus.

・We need to keep people in Japan from getting infected with the virus. 

・We must do something at the airports so the virus won't spread in Japan.  (spread=拡がる)

・We must do everything before the virus comes into Japan and makes people sick.  (ウィルスが日本に入って来て、蔓延する前に、あらゆる手を尽くさなければならない。)

・At the airports, they watch people. If they find people with a fever, they will have to stay in the hospital till they get well. 


・At the airports, they have a special video camera. It has a thermometer. If someone has a fever and walk in front of the camera, it shows that person has a fever. 





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